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1658 人參與  2011年11月12日 07:35  分類 : 電泳設(shè)備 電泳設(shè)備工藝  評(píng)論
Ultrafiltration超濾(UF) Ultrafiltration is a process whereby water is extracted from the electrocoat paint. Small amounts of dissolved impurities are also extracted by the ultrafiltration process. The material produced by the ultrafilter is referred to as ultrafiltrate or permeate. 超濾液是一個(gè)從電泳漆中提取“水”的工藝過程,超濾過程也可以分離出少量的可溶解性染質(zhì),借助超濾器濾出的液體稱為超濾液或滲透液。 Ultrafiltration is a membrane process in which paint is caused to flow across the face of a special polymeric material. Pores in the membrane surface permit water in the paint to move through the membrane, leaving behind the other components of the paint. 超濾作用是膜分離過程,在此過程中使槽液流過一特殊的聚合材料表面,隔膜表面上的小孔能使漆液中的“水”通過隔膜,而漆液的其它組份被截留下來。 The extracted water can be used to rinse paint-coated objects, and the resulting "carry out paint" is returned to the paint bath. This technique, called "closed loop rinsing," aids significantly in making the electrocoat process economically feasible. 分離出來的“水”可以用來沖洗涂了電泳漆的工件,使“帶出的漆”再返回電泳槽,這種技術(shù)稱為“閉合回路沖洗”。這促使電泳涂裝工藝更加經(jīng)濟(jì)可行。 Periodically, water-soluble contamination in the paint must be removed to maintain proper deposition characteristics and film properties. Ultrafiltration makes possible the purging of these impurities from the paint by sending the ultrafiltrate to drain. Water lost from the paint in this process is replaced with low-conductivity D.I. water. ?電泳槽液中水溶性污染物必須定期排除以維持正常的電沉積特性及漆膜性能??颗欧懦瑸V液可使漆液得到凈化。排放過程中“水”的損失量可用低電導(dǎo)的去離子水代替。 Periodically, some of these pores are blinded with components of the paint or contaminants, reducing the efficiency of water extraction. When this condition occurs, the membrane must be cleaned. Ultrafilter manufacturers specify particular cleaning procedures for their units. Cleaning is recommended when the output decreases to approximately 70% of the designed capacity. 一定周期后,超濾膜上的小孔會(huì)被漆液組份或污染物堵塞,使“水”的分離效率降低,這時(shí),必須對(duì)隔膜進(jìn)行清洗。各超濾裝置制造廠對(duì)其裝置都有專門的清洗規(guī)程,當(dāng)超濾液輸出流量減少到大約為設(shè)計(jì)能力的70%時(shí),就要進(jìn)行清洗。 All ultrafilter cleaning procedures should follow these simplified steps: 所有超濾裝置的清洗規(guī)程都應(yīng)遵循下列步驟: Flush paint from the ultrafilter with fresh D.I. water, returning it to the paint bath. 用新鮮去離子水將涂料由超濾器沖回電泳槽中。 Circulate a special cleaning solution (a mixture of surfactant, solvent, and organic (acid) through the membranes for a specified time at a specified temperature. This chemical cleaning solution is specified by the manufacturer of the ultrafiltration membrane. 用專用清洗液(表面活性劑,溶劑及有機(jī)酸的混合物)在規(guī)定時(shí)間和溫度條件下循環(huán)通過隔膜進(jìn)行清洗,這種化學(xué)清洗液是由超濾液膜供應(yīng)商提供。 Flush cleaning solution from the ultrafilter with D.I. water and return paint to the unit. 用去離子水沖洗超濾器中的清洗液后,使漆液再返回超濾裝置重。 Cleaning solutions are hazardous and corrosive. Extreme caution must be employed when handling these materials, and they should be properly disposed of after use. All sections of the ultrafiltrate system which have been in contact with the cleaning solution should be constructed of plastic or stainless steel to prevent attack by the cleaning chemicals. Mild steel in this system will dissolve and contaminate the membranes with iron, resulting in reduced efficiency even after cleaning and therefore should not be used. 清洗液有害且有腐蝕性,操作這些材料時(shí)要特別小心,應(yīng)當(dāng)采用高級(jí)別的防護(hù)。清洗液使用后要妥善處理。能與清洗液接觸的所有部份都要用 塑料或不銹鋼制成,以防止清洗用化學(xué)品侵蝕。普通鋼在系統(tǒng)中會(huì)溶解,鐵離子會(huì)污染超濾膜,導(dǎo)致在清洗后超濾效果也不好,甚至要更換超濾元件。 Ultrafilter systems should have temperature sensors which can shut down the system at a prescribed high-temperature limit. Ultrafilter membrane sytems are damaged by excessive heat. 超濾系統(tǒng)要有溫度傳感器,可以在規(guī)定的高溫極限時(shí)使系統(tǒng)停車,過熱會(huì)損壞超濾膜。 Ultrafilter membranes (i.e., tubes, cartridges, or plates) leaking paint should be isolated and replaced to prevent contamination of the permeate.? Permeate should be clear for best rinsing efficiency. 超濾器隔膜系統(tǒng)(即管,筒或板)漏漆時(shí),要采取隔離更換措施,以防止?jié)B透液被污染。滲透液應(yīng)保持透明才能取得最佳效果。 Clear permeate is required if horizontal pumps are used, since pigments from the paint will damage double mechanical seals. 如果使用臥式泵,也需要清潔的滲透液,否則漆液中的顏料會(huì)損壞機(jī)械。


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