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1616 人參與  2011年11月02日 02:35  分類 : 電泳工藝 電泳原理  評論
amps - flow of electricity in coulomb/sec. 安培-單位時間內(nèi)通過導體的電量庫侖/秒 I = amps????? Q = coulombs????? t = seconds I= 安培?????????? Q = 庫侖???????? t =秒 I = Q/t anions - negatively charged ions will be attracted to positively charged anode; e.g., -OH? -COO; Cl; etc. 陰離子-帶負電荷的離子,將被吸引向帶正電荷的陽極;如:-OH -COO; CL等 anode - positively charged electrode (article being electrocoated in anodic paints). 陽極 – 帶正電荷的電極(在陽極電泳漆中被涂漆的工件)。 auxiliary electrodes - portable electrodes inserted into recessed areas for greater throwing power. 輔助電極 – 為提高泳透力在箱式空腔內(nèi)部放置的可移動電極。 cathode - negatively charged electrode (article being electrocoated in cathodic paints. 陰極 – 帶負電荷的離子(在陰極電泳漆中被涂漆的工件) cations - positively charged ions will be attracted to negatively charged cathode; e.g., H+; R NH+; etc. 陽離子 – 帶正電荷的離子,將被吸引向帶負電荷的陰極;如H+; R NH+ 等。 current density - current flowing per unit area (amps/ft). 電流密度 – 通過單位面積的電流。(安培/平方英尺) D.C. - direct current (3 phase for minimum ripple). D.C – 直流電(最小每波段3相) deionized water - water purified by removal of conductive ions by passing tap water through ion exchange resins. 去離子水 – 將自來水通過離子交換樹脂,除去導電離子的凈化水。 drag-out - paint which adheres to the deposited film when an article is removed from a tank. 拖帶 – 工件從電泳漆槽出來時,附著在電泳漆膜上的漆。 electrical efficiency - the number of coulombs of electricity required to deposit one gram of paint solids. 電效率或庫侖效率 – 沉積1克固體涂料所需電量的庫侖數(shù)。 electroendosmosis - the movement of water away from the depositing electrode by diffusion through the film formed during electrodeposition. 電滲 – 水從電沉積過程中形成的漆膜中滲出,離開沉積電極的運動。 electrolysis - the oxidation-reduction reactions at the anode and cathode which make the flow of current possible. 電解 – 在電流通過陽極和陰極上發(fā)生的氧化還原反應(yīng)。 electrophoresis - movement of charged particles in a conductive medium under the influence of an applied potential difference. 電泳 – 在一定電為差的作用下,帶電離子在導電接之中的運動介質(zhì)中 的運動。 gassing - the generation of gasses at the electrode. 產(chǎn)生氣泡- 在電極上產(chǎn)生的氣泡。 grounded electrode - either the anode or the cathode. 接地電極- 在陽極或陰極上 hash-marking - film defect which sometimes occurs on vertical surfaces which enter the tank under full power. 染斑/條痕 – 帶電入槽情況下,垂直面上有時發(fā)生的一種漆膜弊病。 horizontal settling - pigment settling which is evident on surfaces electrocoated in a horizontal position. 水平面沉積降 – 在水平表面位置明顯的顏料沉積。 initial fill composition - the paint composition used to fill a tank. 初始投槽成分 – 投槽泳漆的成分。 in-line blending - adding feed material along with bath material at a given ratio through a blending unit prior to entry into the bath. 管道混合 – 在進入電泳槽前,補加材料與槽液以一定比例同時過一混 和單元。 insulated cathode - cathode surface which is separated from the tank by an electrical insulating material. 陰極絕緣 – 借助于電絕緣材使陰極表面與槽體分開。 MEQ/Liter - the milliequivalents of titratable amine per liter of paint bath. MEQ/升 – 每升電泳漆槽液中可滴定的胺的毫克當量數(shù)。 Ohm’s Law - relationship between voltage, current and resistance in D.C. circuit. 歐姆定律 – 在直流電路中,電壓,電流與電阻的關(guān)系。 E = Voltage?? I = Current?? R = Resistance????????? E = IR E =電壓???????? I =電流??????? R = 電阻??? ????????????????????E = IR pH - relative acidity or alkalinity of the paint. 酸堿值 – 電泳漆相關(guān)的酸度或堿度。 percent solids - non-volatile content of the paint bath. 固體分 – 槽液中不揮發(fā)物質(zhì)的含量。 pigment/binder ratio - the ratio of pigment to binder solids. 顏基比? - 顏料與基料固體分之比。 pigskinning - a film defect consisting of a regular pattern of small pockmarks in the deposited film after baking. 豬皮 – 沉積漆膜烘干后呈現(xiàn)由小麻點的規(guī)則圖形,是一種漆膜弊病。 rectifier - an apparatus which converts A.C. to D.C. 整流器 – 由交流電(A.C.) 轉(zhuǎn)成直流電( D.C。)的裝置。 replenishment feed material - the paint composition of high solids content used to replace the paint solids removed by electrodeposition and drag-out. 補加材料 – 用來補充由于電沉積耗用和帶出的漆液固體分的高固體分 漆。 resistance - opposition to flow of current in ohms. 電阻- 對電流的阻力,單位是歐姆。 ripple - the variation in the rectified voltage. 脈動 – 整流電壓的波動。 rupture - bursting of the deposited film by an excessive generation of gas at the deposited electrode. 擊穿 – 在沉積電極上產(chǎn)生過多氣泡,使沉積的漆膜破裂。 specific resistivity - resistivity in ohm per centimeter. 比電阻 – 每厘米的電阻(歐姆)。 throwing power - the degree to which an electrodeposited finish coats recessed areas. 泳透力 – 能使背向電極部位電沉積上完整漆膜的程度。 turnover - the amount of paint usage required to remove and replace the solids once. 更新率 – 消耗或置換一槽固體份所需使用的漆量。 volt - a unit of electrical potential difference between two points. 伏特 – 兩點間電為差的單位。


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