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1408 人參與  2012年02月16日 00:00  分類 : 電泳設(shè)備 電泳設(shè)備工藝  評(píng)論

Recirculated D I Water Rinse?????????????????????? 循環(huán)去離子水

The recirculated DI or R.O. rinse achieves maximum usage from the final water rinse.? The design dimensions for the recirculated DI water rinse are the same as those for the recirculated ultrafiltrate rinses. However, modifications are necessary to protect carbon steel from the highly corrosive deionized water. 循環(huán)去離子水和反滲透水的沖洗可以是最后的去離子水沖洗發(fā)揮最大的作用,循環(huán)去離子水沖洗的設(shè)計(jì)尺寸與循環(huán)超濾液洗相同。然而,有必要作些改進(jìn),以防止碳鋼受到高腐蝕性的去離子水腐蝕。 All pumps, piping, filter vessels, the rinse reservoir, and the housing must be made of 304 or 305 stainless steel or PVC or CPVC. 所有的泵,管路,過濾器,沖洗液循環(huán)槽及殼體必須用304或305不銹鋼或PVC,CPVC材料制造。 The fresh DI water rinse can be placed immediately after the last header in the DI recirculating rinse. A delay of only 10-20 seconds is required before the application of the fresh DI water rinse. Fresh DI water should be supplied at the rate of 3.0 gallons (11.34 liters)/minute per 100 ft2?9.3M2) /minute. 新鮮的去離子水洗可以緊接著循環(huán)去離子水的噴管之后布置,在新鮮去離子水洗之前,只需10-20秒的瀝水時(shí)間。新鮮去離子水供給量應(yīng)為3.0加侖(11.34升)/分/100平方英尺(9.3m2)/分。 After DI water rinsing and before baking, a drain time of 5 minutes with an elevation change is recommended to remove standing water that may leave marks in the paint during baking.? Under no circumstances should the body be rewet after 3 minutes of air drying: water beading will occur which will result in severe marking of the electrocoat during bake. 去離子水洗后,烘干之前,推薦用一運(yùn)輸鏈駝峰,至少瀝液5分鐘,與除去在烘干過程中可在漆面上流下痕跡的水份。在空氣干燥3分鐘后決不能使車身再被濺濕,不然將產(chǎn)生水滴,會(huì)導(dǎo)致電泳涂層在烘干過程中產(chǎn)生嚴(yán)重的斑跡。 The conveyor from the fresh D. I. water rinse to the oven must be tunneled to prevent the accumulation of dirt on the unit. This enclosure should have adequate ventilation to prevent condensation from contaminating the unit. 從此新鮮去離子洗到烘干室的運(yùn)輸鏈必須要通過隧道,以保護(hù)工件不落上灰塵及產(chǎn)生縮孔的物質(zhì)。此封閉去要有良好的空氣流通以防止凝結(jié)引起漆膜缺陷。

DI or RO Water

????????? 去離子水或反滲透水

Deionized or R/O water must be supplied to fill and maintain water level in the dip tank and for the final rinse. The water must meet the following specifications: 必須供應(yīng) 足夠的去離子水或反滲透水,以注滿及維持浸槽的水位和供電泳車身的最后沖洗,水質(zhì)必須符合下列規(guī)范: Conductivity:?????????????????????????? Less than 25 micromhos 電導(dǎo)率???????? ?????????????????????????????????????小于25us/cm Carbonates and Bicarbonates:??????? No Residual 碳酸鹽和碳酸氫鹽?????????????????????????? 無殘留 Silica:??????????????????????????????? Less than 1 PPM. 二氧化硅???????????????????????????????????????? 小于1ppm Amines:????????????????????? Less than 1 PPM. 胺????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 小于1ppm pH Range:???????????????????????? Not Reliable (Non-buffered) pH值??????????????????????????????????????????????? 不要求 If deionizers are used, strong acid/strong base deionizers are recommended; they are capable of producing water with conductivity of less than 10 micromhos. DI water should be monitored continuously and laboratory checked twice per shift to confirm quality. 如果使用脫離子劑,推薦使用強(qiáng)酸/強(qiáng)堿離子交換設(shè)備,這類設(shè)備能提供電到濾小于10us/cm的水。要對(duì)去離子水連續(xù)監(jiān)測(cè),且每班要進(jìn)行兩次試驗(yàn)室檢測(cè),以保證恒定的水質(zhì)。 A? DI water storage tank of 3,000 to 10,000 gallons (11,000 to 38,000 liters) is recommended to maintain a consistent supply during production. Epoxy coated mild steel or fiber-glass has? proved satisfactory for tank construction. The feed pump from this tank should be wired into the emergency electrical generator to permit availability of DI water in critical areas during power outages. 建議去離子水儲(chǔ)槽容積為3000-10000加侖(11-38m2), 以維持生產(chǎn)使用。儲(chǔ)槽結(jié)構(gòu)以涂覆環(huán)氧或用玻璃鋼材質(zhì)可獲得滿意的效果。此槽的輸水泵要與緊急安全發(fā)電機(jī)相接,以便在停電期間也能為關(guān)鍵工位供應(yīng)去離子水。 PPG laboratory work can not establish harmful effects on the electrocoat bath at silica levels below 10 PPM. PPG的試驗(yàn)取樣工作之二氧化硅含量低于10ppm的水平不對(duì)電泳槽液造成影響。


本文標(biāo)簽:電泳涂裝  去離子水  反滲透水  

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