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1605 人參與  2011年11月30日 00:32  分類 : 電泳工藝 電泳原理  評論

Metal Preparation 金屬前處理

?Body Shop Washer??????????????????? ?????? 車身車間清洗設(shè)備

Effective body shop washers loosen and remove mill oils, pre-lubes, and stamping compounds from the body-in-white. Good pre-cleaning with high-pressure water and soap increases the effectiveness of the phosphating operation. Cleaning also reduces crater-causing contamination which is carried into the tank or which can blow out in the oven. The latter problem is most evident in the oil which collects in hem flanges. 有效的車身車間清洗設(shè)備應(yīng)具有分散并除掉車身上礦物油,潤滑劑及沖壓拉延油。用高壓水及皂液進(jìn)行良好的預(yù)清洗能提高磷化作業(yè)效果。清洗也可減少帶入電泳槽的或電泳涂膜烘干時發(fā)生縮孔的污染物。漆膜烘干時出現(xiàn)縮孔的問題在翻邊及焊縫處最明顯。 Pre-cleaning should include the removal of metal filings and weld splatter: both are potential sources for dirt in phosphate and electrocoat. Washing of the floor pan is an essential part of the pre-cleaning operation. 預(yù)清洗系統(tǒng)包括清除金屬屑及焊渣, 它們是磷化和電泳槽內(nèi)的污染物的來源。車底板亦是預(yù)清洗操作的重點部位之一。。

1.1.2.????????????? Phosphating

磷化 Phosphating technology has been developed specifically for use with cathodic electrocoating. Phosphating products have unique characteristics based upon controlled crystal structures. The success of the phosphating operation depends entirely upon thorough body cleaning, uniformity of approved phosphate coating product, and low conductivity of the residual final DI rinse. 磷化技術(shù)的開發(fā)是為陰極電泳涂裝而服務(wù)的。磷化材料的特性取決于可否控制晶體的結(jié)構(gòu)。成功的磷化操作完全取決于車身的清潔程度,磷化膜均勻與否以及最終殘留的去離子水電導(dǎo)率 是否低。 Thorough pre-cleaning includes removal of all oils and stamping compounds, metal filings and other particulate debris, and elimination of all phosphate sludge. The phosphate coating should be uniform, without streaks, patterns, or hashmarks. Crystal size should be small and dense, with a coating weight appropriate to the particular phosphate method. The recirculated DI rinse should be held below 100 micromhos and followed by a pure DI water rinse of less than 25 micromhos. Phosphated bodies should be uniformly wet or dry when they enter the phosphate bath. Non-uniform wetness can result in patterns or marks in the electrocoat film. A "camel-back" in the conveyor can aid in draining pockets which might hold rinse residues. 徹底的預(yù)清洗包括除去所有的油,沖壓拉延劑,金屬屑,其它碎屑顆粒及除掉所有的磷化殘渣。磷化膜應(yīng)完全均勻,無條痕,花紋或染色斑痕。晶粒應(yīng)小而致密,膜重與磷化方式相稱。水洗用循環(huán)去離子水的水質(zhì)要保持在10us/cm2以下,而隨后的新鮮去離子水洗的水質(zhì)電導(dǎo)應(yīng)低于25us/cm2。磷化過的車身必須全濕或全干狀態(tài)進(jìn)入電泳槽。干濕不均勻可導(dǎo)致電泳膜產(chǎn)生花紋或斑痕。運輸鏈設(shè)一個駝峰有助于瀝凈沖洗水殘液。 Accumulators, transfers, and delivery conveyors between phosphate and electrocoat should be tunneled to prevent body contamination from airborne dirt and oil. This enclosure should have adequate ventilation to prevent condensation and subsequent contamination of the production unit. Exposed accumulators should not travel alongside the phosphate machine, since airborne phosphate mist can cause craters or other blemishes in the electrocoat finish. Similar problems result from DI water regeneration tanks placed too close to unprotected car bodies. Phosphate mist and DI regeneration stations comprise, however, only two of several possible sources of contamination. 磷化和電泳之間的儲存鏈,轉(zhuǎn)移鏈及傳送鏈要設(shè)封閉隧道,以防止懸浮于空氣中的灰塵及油對車身的污染。此封閉隧道要有充分的通風(fēng),防止凝結(jié)及對產(chǎn)品的再污染。外露的儲存鏈不能沿著磷化設(shè)備運行,因為空氣中的磷化液霧可引起電泳漆膜產(chǎn)伸縮孔或其它缺陷。去離子水再生槽的布置太靠近未加保護(hù)的車身也可引起類似的問題。磷化液霧和去離子水再生僅僅是各種可能污染源的兩種。 Removal of dirt by forced-air blow-off is not recommended because of the possibility of damage to the finish by air-driven contaminants. If a dry-off oven is used, the car body temperature should be cooled to paint-bath temperature. The warmer bodies also place a heavier load on paint-cooling equipment. 不推薦用壓縮空氣吹除灰塵。原因是空氣所帶的污染物對涂層仍有損害的可能性。如使用加熱烘設(shè)備時,車身溫度要冷卻到電泳槽液的溫度。車身溫度高也會增加油漆冷卻設(shè)備的負(fù)荷。


本文標(biāo)簽:電泳涂裝  前處理  磷化  脫脂  

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